Welcome to the first W.A.R. Lords blog of the 2021-22 season! Our team has been working hard over the summer conducting both live and virtual outreach, as well as reengaging our team through in-person meetings and trainings. We are looking forward to what the rest of fall brings!
Our team organized and hosted two three-week robotics camps for middle school students this summer: one using EV3 Mindstorms and the other using mBot Neos. Taking inspiration from previous FLL challenges and our school’s engineering courses, team members led building and programming workshops for the games at the end of the three weeks.
We also participated in Team 5199’s virtual Summer Series, a collection of student-led panels and workshops about FRC streamed on Youtube. Team members and mentors participated in panels pertaining to empowering minorities, as well as a shop essentials panel. We are looking forward to continuing our relationship with Team 5199 throughout the rest of this season!

We are working hard to train new team members through our 101s and 1-on-1s as we head into our fall training season. New members receive training in working in the shop; operating the many machines and tools; programming the robot; and using CAD to design our robot for the 2022 season. We can’t wait to see our new members continue to develop their skills and improve our team when competition season comes.

We would like to announce our fall Hackathon, a 10-hour coding event for high school students led entirely by W.A.R. Lords students and mentors, held virtually this year on October 30th from 9-6! Participants will spend the day in teams creating a game on the hardware or software of their choice, based on a theme announced at the beginning of the day. All students are welcome regardless of skill level, with workshops on different coding languages and platforms. We will have our mentors and students willing to and ready to help. Please visit the Hackathon page for more details.

We are also looking forward to co-hosting Battle at the Border, an event we host alongside local teams FRC Team 5025 from Cathedral Catholic High School and FRC Team 1538 from High Tech High School on October 8th and 9th. During this two day event, using the robots and game challenge from the season prior, we will compete with teams from Southern California in preparation for the FIRST competitions later in the season. We are ecstatic to use this opportunity to teach our younger members how a competition runs.
